1. Open KompoZer
2. Hand code a javascript that loads an image from Internet based on
the DOM model.
3. Take a look at the sample code that shows how window.onload to load the image.
4. Use a button to load the image. Try how onclick works.
Hand code a HTML or useKompoZerto edit an HTML so that the webpage can send a request to Google like http://maps.google.com/maps?q=24.9586,+121.24114 Use Form CGI that includes action, input, and submit. Try a few different coordinates.
"logic will get you from A to B - imagination will take you anywhere" How to use Form to invoke a remote service through CGI. 1. Copy the search box of thissearch page, inlcuding radio buttons, text input, and submit button. 2. Open yourKompoZerHTML editor. 3. Open a new empty HTML file. 4. Paste the search box into this new file. 5. UseKompoZerto add a Form to this search box. Do not hand code the HTML. Just fill the blank in the Form dialog. 6. In the form dialog, set Action="http://google.com/search" and name of Form as "f" and method as "get" (SeeHintif it does not work.) 7. Save your file on your computer. Run your HTML by Firefox. What do you get? 8. Set method as "post" 9. Run your HTML by Firefox. What do you get?
1. Uploada sample pptto Google Docs.
2. Publish the uploaded ppt.
3. Embed the online ppt to your blog.
The reason to do so is that the readers don't have to have ppt to view your presentation. For example, some users work with Linux or Unix, and others work with MacOS. They will appreciate you for doing so.
Use Firefox Accessibility Extension to check the accessibility of three sites that you visit most.
Report the summary of all the errors and warnings for each site.
Install Google Browser Google Chrome and Firefox 3.0, try a few websites and compare their performance. For example, youtube, blogspot, msn, and yahoo.
Google Chrome: 1.介面操作簡單,容易上手,且會把最近連結選項至於最上方 2.對於外國網站,有支援直接翻譯功能
1. 依據 What is web accessibility,試針對三種不同障別舉出三種無障礙設計方式,並請探討跨障別設計是否可行?(也就是所謂的通用設計) (1)針對視覺有障礙的同胞,可以用聲音指引。 (2)對於雙手不便的同胞,可以開發腳用鍵盤。 (3)近日有看到以腦波指揮系統操作的,這對於身障同胞有很大福音。 只要相關腦波分析以及程式運用開發完成,即可便利同胞。
AccessBar: displays defined accesskeys in a fixed-position bar along the bottom of the window. Added 2005-04-01 (not a joke). Find how many access keys have been defined at http://www.ocac.gov.tw/http://www.epa.gov.tw/
Continued from the above, use google to find 3 more government sites in Taiwan that enable access keys.